Thursday, January 28, 2010

Preservation Intern Update

One of the best things about the Massachusetts Room project that I am working on is that I never know what kinds of materials to expect. The documents are housed in a variety of different types of folders and envelopes. Some of the documents are in standard plastic folders while others have had individual folders fashioned to fit their size. Many of the documents have been stapled together but others have been tied with ribbon or string. Some documents have hand-written call numbers while others have printed labels. The original housings are all very unique.

The documents themselves also come in a mixture of different shapes and sizes. The documents may be small pamphlets, oversize newsletters, or standard size reports. Some documents are tall and thin while others are short and wide. Most of the documents are black and white but some are in color. It makes the project interesting because every document I handle is a bit different from the previous one.

The content of the documents that I have been working with is also a source of variety. Many different subjects are covered. To name just a few, I have encountered documents on the Commission Against Discrimination, the Massachusetts State Library, and the Department of Veterans’ Services.

One of the most interesting things that I found recently is a newsletter called The Update. It is the newsletter of the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women. This particular document is from Spring 2002. Please note the logo for the commission in the upper right-hand corner. It clearly communicates the mission of the organization it represents and it is very easy to remember. I also think it’s one of the best logos that I’ve seen.

The second page of the newsletter mentions the public hearings on women in Massachusetts. The hearings cover everything from domestic violence, housing, childcare, and health care. A number of those hearings, including the Fitchburg Hearing that is mentioned, are also found in the Massachusetts Room of the State Library.

The third page explains National Women’s History Month, which is celebrated every March. It gives a little background and talks about the celebration in 2002. It also reminds us that International Women’s Day is March 8. That’s something to add to the calendar for when spring finally comes!

- Corinne Philips, Preservation Intern